I knew I had something that I wanted to tell a story around, and The Maze of Games was born. That year, at Origins in Philadelphia, we laid out thousands of dollars of electricians tape on the convention floor and turned the dealer room into a maze. I needed a story reason for all these puzzles I wanted to make and characters I wanted to include, and for some reason I came up with a maze. Selinker: In 1995, I was building the first of our large puzzlehunts at the summer conventions-we’ve done one a year, first at Origins and then at Gen Con. How did the idea of The Maze of Games come along? I want them to think they’re my protagonist teenagers Colleen and Samuel, running around the skeletal Gatekeeper’s mazes.
What I hope people are doing right now is trying to figure out how to get through the book, at the same time they’re immersing themselves in the world. A story in the vein of Narnia and A Wrinkle in Time, set against a puzzle challenge as complex as Masquerade. Mike Selinker: I certainly hope so! It’s kind of a book I wanted to have as a kid. Does it feel like you’re exploring new territory? The Maze of Games is a weird creature – not quite choose your own adventure and not quite game. We spoke with Selinker about his vision for Maze and what he thinks can come of it. This year, Selinker and noted nerd actor Wil Wheaton are taking The Maze of Games beyond its bound version, indeed, beyond its iPad version, and into an audiobook that transcends platforms. Funded last year via Kickstarter and involving dozens of top-tier talents from writers to artists and puzzle designers, The Maze of Games is an intriguing blend of new and old that deserves the attention of readers, puzzlers, and gamers alike. You imagine that’s how Mike Selinker thought when he came up with the idea for what he alternately calls an “interactive puzzle novel” or a “solve your own adventure” – the imposing adventure tome The Maze of Games. They couldn’t safely call them novels, because they weren’t. You imagine that’s what the creators of the original “Choose Your Own Adventure” books probably felt. Occasionally someone gets an idea so outlandish and cool that there’s simply not a good word for it.